Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Welcome Back

There is a proverb that says: "Good things come to those who wait."
After 17 months of waiting on a new visa, Tanja and Gerald Spreer have finally returned to us here at the LIFEHOUSE in Austin, Texas.
It goes without saying that everyone here is happy to have them back and we are so grateful for all the prayers that made this happen.
They have taken some time to get settled and have by now been able to resume their regular duties here with us at HELP for all Nations. Welcome back, guys!


There is a saying: "Nothing is more constant than change."
As a ministry we already have experienced a lot of changes over the last nine years. Soon we will be facing a significant change in our fellowship.
Kurt and Barbara Brunner feel that the Lord is calling them to move on, into a new season of their life. Therefore they are planning to leave HELP for all Nations at the end of this year.
They have been a part of this ministry since the very beginning, back in 2003. It has been a privilege and a joy for all of us, to work alongside them and to get to know Kurt, Barbara, David and Joshua as dear friends.
Their dedication and diligence has been a great blessing to our ministry. They will be dearly missed.


The Bible says: "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever."
Even though we face lot of changes in our fellowship, we are confident that God stays the same. We sense that we have just begun to see the lords plans unfold for this ministry.
Right now we have a full house. However, we hope to soon be able to have more people join the "LIFE Training" so that they can start a new life with Jesus.

We are believing for financial miracles to happen, so that we will be able to complete the renovations in the new "community house". Once the new house is finished we will be able to provide more room for people in need.

Friday, August 17, 2012

God loves these people

Over the past few weeks we have witnessed so many dramatic events unfold on the streets of Austin, it's staggering. Unfortunately a lot of what we saw are things we would like not to have happened.
One of our friends had passed out on a parking lot behind a dumpster and somehow a dump truck mangled and dragged him nearly to death without noticing it. He has been in the ICU for weeks now and the doctors are still fighting for his life. Another of our friends was released from prison less than a year ago after serving several years for assault. He was arrested 2 weeks ago for nearly killing another friend of ours from the street.
One married couple is splitting up because pride is making one person see their rights as more important than their spouses rights ... and even more important than what is right. Another couple loudly and dramatically was fighting in the open about money that was spent on drugs that they intended to sell, but ended up using themselves. Now they have no money to go see their children, who live with relatives ... wow ...
Life on the street is hard and it would seem natural to become frustrated, speak condemnation or try to beat some sense into their heads.
But God loves all these people, he sent his son Jesus so that nobody has to perish but anyone can have eternal life. He sent Jesus into this world to save them and not to condemn them. (John 3:16+17)

Our job is to love them. We need to see behind their actions and reach out to their hearts. We're there to be an anchor, to be a light, so that they have the opportunity to realize that there is more to hope for in their life than what they can see right now. And that's what really can make a difference in their lives. How exciting it is when they go for it and follow the right steps. Just one person makes all the effort worth it.

Thank you for your part in this. For standing behind us, to support us with finances, prayers and being a friend. You are awesome!!!

Fundraising Event

We have this great opportunity for a fundraiser. On the 15-18th of November there will be a Formula 1 Racing event in Austin, TX. We were asked as a ministry to help with garbage and cleaning duties for this event.

Do you like fast, loud cars and the smell of engine oil? Then this is the right place for you to be. Get into the whole atmosphere of racing. It could be the chance of a lifetime, plus it's for a good cause! It doesn't matter if you are available for one day or for the whole time. Groups are welcome too.

If you have more questions or would like to sign up to volunteer please "click here"!

Monday, July 16, 2012


On October 24th 2007 we did the first outreach using our newly remodeled Cream and Sugar trailer. Right from the beginning it established itself as a preferred hang out spot for the young homeless people on the Drag in Austin. We have had countless precious conversations and have celebrated life-changing Spice Up worship services inside this little vehicle. Some people dedicated their lives to Jesus, for others this place has served as a steping stone into a new life off the streets. Cream and Sugar stands not only for the improvement of taste but also for hope and love that is found only in Jesus.
Lately we have been confronted with some significant changes. The parking spot that was generously offered to us by the University Baptist Church for the past years was no longer available due to new construction projects. During the past few months we have always left for outreach not knowing where we would park the trailer. God however, was faithful and provided a good spot for us each time.

Recently, we have been advised by city officials that we need to obtain a license from the Health Department and conform our food distribution to new regulations. We were also told, that we will need to have a steady parking spot for our trailer on private property in order to get the license.
Now, all of a sudden we are not able to use our Cream and Sugar trailer the way we did for so many years. We are now improvising our outreaches and reajusting the way we reach out to our young homeless friends. Fortunately, the Good News is not dependent on things like a trailer and we can continue to count on God's intervention.
Also at the same time we are praying for wisdom and guidance on how we will meet the requirements of the Health Department to obtain a license. We also are trying to evaluate ways of finding a new parking spot, that will comply with the city ordinances.
Even as the situation seems to be inconveniencing we sense that God is leading us into something new. Changes often challenge us, causing us to grow. We are confident that God is up to something great!

If you happen to know of a place close to the Drag or have connections to a church, business,or establishment in the area that might be able to help us in this matter, please don't hesitate to contact us.

We appreciate your friendship and interest in this ministry.

Your HELP for all Nations-Team

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Hello, my name is Nina! My husband Daniel and I came to visit the LIFEHOUSE for one week. During this one week God has started a major transformation in our lives. For sometime now God has been calling us to do something totally different than we have ever imagined. Definitely different than we thought we could ever do.
God is definitely using the LIFEHOUSE in many ways. They are not only helping the homeless, they are touching everyone they come in contact with.
By working with the ministry this week, my husband Daniel and I have learned that God can do anything, you just have to get your life to the point where God can use you. We definitely feel we are in that position now and are very nervous, but excited to see what he has in store for us. God has also showed us this week that if you read his word and really believe what is says, your life will be transformed. Also that if you pray and want his will to be done in your life, then you will always be in his will and that is the only true way to experience happiness.
We are very blessed to have made the friendships that we have made and look forward to seeing how God is going to continue to use these wonderful people at the LIFEHOUSE. We also look forward to continuing our relationships with the ministry and are very grateful that God has blessed this week. It has been awesome this week to see how God has allowed us to experience his love and grace in our lives.

To all of our LIFEHOUSE family we love you and may God bless you all!

Update Community House

We are always excited when all of the available beds are occupied and we have a full house. Whether there are visitors or people who join the LIFE Training, we enjoy seeing our community growing. But often we reach the limit of our capacity and we look forward to make full use of our new community house. Still there are many financial and practical challenges but with God's grace and your help we will be able to reach the goal.
Again we would like to thank you for your friendship and also for your help and support in this matter.

Your HELP for all Nations Team

Friday, May 18, 2012

There is power...

The other day Paul came by the Cream and Sugar trailer. We have known him for some now, time but we never really had a deep conversation. After only a short time we found ourselves having quite a debate about God and it was so sad to see how he idolized demonic powers. He said he would love to have more of this power and that he already had been helped by it on numerous occasions.
The conversation was still going on when I left the trailer and went for a walk to invite other people. But Paul didn't go out of my mind. I started to pray and declared that every evil spirit in Pauls life would be taken captive through the Blood of Jesus and that God would rule over his life. After praying this, I got so excited wondering about what God was going to be doing in Pauls life. As I returned to the trailer I found that he had already left, the other team members said that he calmed down became thoughtful before leaving peacefully.
The next morning when we went on outreach again, Paul stopped by shortly after we had set up the trailer.
What a different person he was! Without hesitation he told us that he felt that there are chains holding him, keeping him trapped in a cycle of darkness. He asked us if we could help, if there's a way to get rid of the chains. I was astonished at this, and very eager to tell him the way to his total freedom! That after he gave his live to Jesus, we could pray for him and cut him free of all the chains. The truth touched him and he decided to get saved by following Jesus. As we prayed for him he started smiling and afterward he told us that he never felt so burden-free in all his life.
Since that day, Paul has become a different person, his personality has changed and now he is such a pleasure to be around.
God is good and there is power in the blood of Jesus!


Update Community House

During the past few months we have spent a lot of time working on the new Community House. Joyfully, we accepted the challenge of turning this building into a beautiful looking home. Step by step we were able make a lot of progress in most of the rooms already. For all of us it was a valuable experience to be persistent in our vision and be able to see the the result of our efforts at the end of the each day. Not only did the building go through a renovation process but our characters experienced some shaping as well.
Countless holes and cracks got filled with painter's filling and many gallons of primer and paint were applied to the walls. One bathroom will soon be done and we already have started repainting the kitchen. There is still a lot of work ahead of us, but we are confident that we will be able accomplish it soon.
In regards to the utilities, we have already seen some progress. Just two weeks before Christmas the building had the electricity hooked up. This enabled us to celebrate Christmas in our new Community House for the first time, we were also able to do so, even without freezing.
Unfortunately, we face some challenges with connecting the water. Due to the increasing number of buildings on our property, the water utility company is making us replace the main water line to our property. This has the effect that we have to invest a large amount of money that we haven't budgeted for. Nevertheless, we believe that God will continue to provide all the remaining finances that will enable us to fully restore this house and allow it become a home for many.
Thank you for your love and support.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

What an opportunity...

My name is Chris, it has been almost two years since I came to live here on the "LIFEHOUSE" property.
I am thankful for the time I have spent here in the "LIFE Training" program with the "HELP for all Nations (HfaN)" team, it has really changed me. I left behind my old life on the streets, a hopeless life full of violence, fear, drugs, and restlessness.
I was touched by the heart of Jesus as it was shown through his followers and have been led into a new life where I've come to know hope, peace, and a love for people and God that inspires me to help others make better choices and overcome the darkness in their lives. I have developed a passion for serving people through ministry and it is what I want to do with my life.
I seek to become a full time staff member here with Help for all Nations. HfaN was actually founded by a team sent out by, and still a part of, the international missions branch of the German fellowship "FCJG (Free Christian Youth Fellowship)" known there as "HELP International". So it seems right to everyone that I should spend some time connecting with that ministry while receiving additional training.

This August there will be a celebration marking the "20th anniversary of HELP International" on the 24th and 25th. The 26th coincidently will be my 2nd year anniversary with the ministry.
I am planning a trip to Germany where I will attend the 20 years of HELP International celebration. While in Germany I will receive training at their "FCJG School of Evangelism and Mission" that our leadership here at HfaN have all attended. I also intend to do an internship at their "FCJG Wiedenhof rehabilitation center".

I am now seeking to raise support in the financing of this journey. This will be an awesome opportunity to expand my connections within this organization as well as further develop my skills as I prepare to go into the ministry. I expect all in all I will spent eight to twelve weeks trying to absorb as much as possible while I live, learn, love and serve alongside the fellowship there in Germany.
I am so thankful to God for all his people that have made my new life and this opportunity possible. I greatfully welcome any support that you are moved to offer in finances, prayer or guidance. Thank you for your time and consideration and I pray that the Lord bless and keep you in all you do.


Chris Shirey

How you can help...

We are excited about Chris' development and we would like to give you the possibility to become a part of what God is doing in his life.
If you would like to support him financially please make a check out to HELP for all Nations with the note Staff Training and send it to:

Help for all Nations
P.O.Box 8107
Austin, TX 78713-8107

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

God changes me!!!

Hi, my name is Martin, I'm 21 and grew up in Bavaria, Germany. In January I came to Austin to complete my volunteer service with "HELP for all Nations".
I'm convinced that God led me here. In March last year He spoke to me about a year abroad and I started my search. First I wasn't very successful, so I rolled all my care over to God and now I'm here! Additional to having found a great place I receive financial support from the government. I'm so thankful for His provision.
Already in the beginning God pointed out certain things in my life that I havent recognized before. I brought them to Jesus and He changed me and is still changing me.
In the first month we went on a Rainbow Gathering where Travelers, Hippies etc. meet. We gave them coffee, hot chocolate and Ramen soups. That week was very precious to me because I was able to serve these people. We also had good conversations with them and could sow seeds into their lives.
Only the nights were bitterly cold and we were grateful for the camping stove that warmed us up in the morning.
The outreaches in Austin are a very blessed time where I can pay full attention to the homeless and their needs and listen with an open heart. Unfortunately I wasn't able to have deep conversations about faith yet because of my small English vocabulary.
Something I really enjoy is working in the Community House on the property. It's fun to see the progress. What I also like is the work ethic. It is very harmonious, something I'm not used to from my previous work. I'm a brick mason and one needs a thick skin because everybody talks bad about the others. Here at HfaN nobody rants or tells you that you're a no-good. It's great to live together with other Christians.
Another thing that God is transforming is my relationship with Him. It becomes deeper and deeper. Then I'm also learning to trust Him in every situation.
Finally I can say that I'm infinitely thankful to be able to spend this year here and I'm not gonna be the same person when I come back home.